Friday, June 20, 2014

Long-lasting Color

I love summer. Fresh lemonade, barefoot walks through the grass, long days at the beach...summer is definitely my favorite season.
There are only two problems I have with summer.
One is bugs.
The other is how fast hair dye fades.

This was my hair at the start of the summer:
A periwinkle color I got using diluted Special Effects Wildflower

 Aaaand here's my hair after two days spent at the beach:
Couple days in the sun and my hair's already bleached near-white
The bright summer sun can be brutal.
So what can you do to prevent your hair from fading so quickly? Here are several tips for long-lasting color!

1. Keep your hair moisturized! Using hair oils with UV protection will block the sun's rays and help your hair keep its color longer! Try argon or coconut oil.

2. Use shampoo designed for protecting colored hair. Check out this site for a list of the 14 best color protecting shampoos. Also, the colder the water you use when you wash your hair, the more color will stay in your hair. Cold water will also keep your hair nice and shiny!

3. Swimming in pools can really damage your hair. Try saturating your hair with fresh water before submerging yourself in the chlorinated pool. Your hair will absorb less of the damaging chlorine this way! Be sure to rinse your hair again once you get out of the pool.

4. If you like accessorizing, you could protect your hair with a hat or scarf for a cute summer look! I personally love this cute straw hat from Forever 21:

If you have any other tips for long-lasting color, let me know in the comments! I'd love to hear them!

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