Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pink Addict

Though my body proportions are waaaay different than Barbie's, there is one thing I share in common with the plastic doll--our love for the color pink.

So it was only natural that I dye my hair pink!

I wanted a pretty pastel pink, and was torn between Special Effects Atomic Pink and Special Effects Cotton Candy Pink. I settled on Atomic Pink since too many reviews said that Cotton Candy pink was too salmony-pink and faded to an orangish color.

Atomic Pink is a very bright pink (think pink highlighter) so I decided to dilute it with conditioner before dying.

I used about 1/10 Atomic Pink and 9/10 conditioner. Any conditioner will do. I use white conditioner so you can see what the color will turn out to look like (the end result is always a shade lighter).

My hair was bleached to platinum blonde, and after applying the diluted Atomic Pink, I was very happy with the end result!

Purchased At:
Price: Around $13

This dye lasted for a very long time, and faded so nicely! 

Diluted Atomic Pink (and a streak of Blue Mayhem) about 3 weeks after dying

After about a month and a half, my hair settled on this pastel pink color and it pretty much stopped fading (and also proved difficult to bleach out):
faded but still pretty

I have to say, Atomic Pink was one of my favorite dyes! Such a pretty color and such long staying power! Since I diluted the dye with so much conditioner, the one bottle of dye lasted me pretty much forever. I had my hair pink for about 4 months and only used about 1/6th of the bottle! 

Here are pictures of other awesome people with Special Effects Atomic Pink hair! A lot of these people didn't dilute the dye first like I did, so you can see how bright Atomic Pink can be!


  1. this was sooo helpful since i plan to dilute the same dye. ugh ty ty <3 but do you mind telling me how you measured?

    1. I honestly just poured some white conditioner into a plastic cup, and then mixed in the dye little by little until I reached the color I wanted! There's not really an exact science to it, just approximation c: I suppose you could measure it out with measuring cups or something if you wanted! Your hair is going to look so pretty, I'm so excited for you ahhhhhh
